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    Disclaimer By submitting a video to K&P Productions Inc., I agree that the video is the original, un-copied work of the author or authors. Also, that I have cleared and am responsible for clearing of the use, rights and copyrights of all non-original material in the piece, either by permission of the original creator(s), or under the parameters and protections afforded non-profit, educational use by the principles of Fair Use. The ownership and rights of videos submitted and published by K&P Productions Inc. shall reside with the author(s). However, K&P Productions Inc. reserves the primary right of publication. This means that when a video is accepted for publication by K&P Productions Inc, the author is free to publish the work elsewhere as long as all other uses, screenings and streams of the video link back to the K&P Productions Inc. websites, either via a live URL, or as a printed or onscreen url as a credit or reference. Similarly, K&P Productions Inc. reserves the right to use the video in all matters relating to the publication, advertising, publicity and showcasing of K&P Productions Inc. and Associates
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  1. kitty2cat says
    18 Apr 12 at 6:32pm

    This photo provided by Audubon Center for Research of Endangered Species shows an 8-month-old kitten named Crystal. (AP Photo/Audubon Center for Research of Endangered Species)

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